"Dram" is a powerful documentary about the tragic events at the mariupol drama theater, where hundreds of civilians lost their lives during an airstrike. The film features testimonies from the surviving actors who recreate the horrors they lived through in a theatrical performance that recounts the real events. Through emotional narratives and a staged production, the film captures the resilience of the human spirit amidst war, offering a deeply moving and unforgettable cinematic experience.
In the heart of kharkiv, amidst the horrors of war, a children's art studio in a bomb shelter blossoms into an 'underground garden.' here, young artists, guided by their mentor, create vibrant masterpieces, finding refuge and hope through their creativity in the darkest of times.
This moving documentary project tells the tragic and horrifying stories of ukrainian families who have suffered from russian aggression. Through firsthand accounts from over 20 locations, the film offers a personal perspective on the impact of war on ordinary people. It highlights the lives of ukrainian mothers and children who spent 27 days in a bomb shelter, as well as the story of a daughter who fled bucha while her father was serving on the legendary "Mriya" airplane. These stories show the resilience of the human spirit and the hope for a better future, despite the horrors of war.